Pirates Version 1 Today's Date: 3-18-91 Dated 4-20-88 Written by: Michael J. Wanta User ID #73567,2132 PROGRAM INFORMATION ___________________ The program was written in Turbo Pascal version 3.0. It requires a Color Monitor and Color Graphics Adapter (CGA). You must also have DOS version 2.0 or greater. Please ignore the comment in STARTPIR.COM regarding a 286 processor running at 8 MHz, it is not needed. The timing and speed of the program may seem a little slow/quick depending on your processor and its speed. I am currently working on a newer version of the game. It will be written in Turbo Pascal version 6.0. I will leave the hardware requirements and general look the same, but improve upon the logic and efficiency of the program. Look for the improved version this summer. This is a Public Domain program. I only ask that you distribute the files as uploaded. If you have any comments, complaints, suggestions, or questions, please send me mail on CompuServe, User ID: 73567,2132. I hope that you enjoy PIRATES. FILES INCLUDED ______________ PIRATE.BAT - Batch file that runs programs as intended. Type PIRATE at the DOS prompt. STARTPIR.COM - Contains program information and instructions. Type STARTPIR at the DOS prompt to run. PIRATES.COM - Game program. Once you learn the contents of STARTPIR.COM, - you can type PIRATES at the DOS prompt to run the game. SUB1.CHN - A program needed by PIRATES.COM to run. README.TXT - This file. QUICK START ___________ Type PIRATES at the DOS prompt, available command keys are "highlighted". NORMAL START ____________ Type PIRATE at the DOS prompt. Follow the instructions displayed. PROBLEMS/BUGS/HINTS (noted as of 3-18-91) _________________________________________ 1. In COMBAT mode, it is best to press desired command keys repeatedly rather than to hold them down continuously. This will keep the keyboard buffer from overflowing (when you hear an annoying high pitched beep). 2. Occasionally you will need to press desired commands twice to get them to work. (ie., Q)uit to end combat mode or SHIFT-Q to quit the game.) 3. If your hit points drop below zero on an alien planet, you will not die until you beam up to your ship and plot a new course. 4. Entering non-digit characters as part of your gambling bet will end the game on a IO-ERROR. Be careful, enter 0-9 only, then press enter! Type "MODE co80" to clear your screen if this happens. 5. Sound cannot be turned off, sorry. 6. If you run PIRATE.BAT and are asked if you want to quit, the program will still run. This will most likely give you an error message, but should not be a problem.